The Church is What You Are
I saw a powerful bulletin article recently and wanted to share it with you. It comes from the pen of Bobby Dockery. I've expanded upon his excellent thoughts at the end.

The church is built of men and women, not bricks and mortar. As such, it can never be any more faithful or effective than the individual members that comprise it. The Lord's church in any community will reflect the aim and attitudes of its members.

Dockery's thoughts above are so true! I'm reminded of Paul's words in I Corinthians 12:27, where he declared - "Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually." The church is not the building; it is the Christians (cf. Eph. 1:22,23). The local church's strengths and weaknesses reflect the strengths and weaknesses of the individual members. For example, if many members fail to be friendly, it will be noticed by visitors and have a negative impact on all. On the other hand, if all of the members choose to give generously, it will maximize the congregation's influence for good and open up doors of opportunity. Don't be a weak spiritual link in the local congregation! Much like a chain, the church can only be as strong as the weakest member. Fear the Lord and serve Him with all your might, encouraging your brothers and sisters to do likewise. Since the church is what you are, pattern your life after Christ's example and make the church better!