Suggestions for Door-to-Door Evangelism

In conjunction with our prior lesson, which provided a basic rationale for door-to-door evangelism, here is a list of twenty suggestions or best practices for those who go door knocking for Christ. As with any suggestions, some are subject to opinion and personal preferences. Additionally, this list is intended to be helpful though it is certainly not exhaustive on the subject matter.

  1. Pray before you begin and regularly throughout the outreach effort.
  2. Have a basic plan for what area or neighborhoods you want to cover. Keep records of where you went, what happened at each house, and what you learned that might be helpful for the future (e.g., not home, friendly but uninterested, attends denomination X, Jennifer is interested in having a study next Tuesday at 7 PM, etc.).
  3. Carry a Bible with you. Hopefully, you'll get to use it in a study, but regardless it helps people understand the reason for your visit when they see it.
  4. Carry material with you that you can give out freely. It might be as simple as cards with contact information for the church, it might be an invitation to a seminar or revival, or it might contain teaching material (e.g., the latest issue of House to House [HTH] or perhaps a CD or DVD on an important topic).
  5. When they answer the door, smile, be respectful, and be friendly.
  6. Be enthusiastic! People won't want what you're "selling" (or in this case offering) if you don't seem excited about it yourself.
  7. Start the dialogue by introducing yourself and getting right to the point. What you say will be contingent upon the purpose for your visit. Here are some examples:
    • "Hi! I'm Stephen and this is Paul. We're not here to sell you anything, but we wanted to give you some information which we think is very important [extend packet containing a tract and a CD]..."
    • "Hi! I'm Stephen and this is Adin. We're members of the church of Christ and are knocking doors in your neighborhood today to see if there is anything we can do to serve you [extend card]..."
    • "Hi! I'm Stephen and this is Asa my little helper. Our church has been mailing out this paper for quite a while now [hold up recent copy of HTH]. We wanted to make sure that you are receiving the paper and if you had any feedback or questions about it [give them a copy if they seem unfamiliar]..."
  8. If they are willing to speak with you for more than ten seconds, do ask appropriate questions (based on anything you learn about them) like:
    • "Do you believe in God?"
    • "Are you a Christian?"
    • "Where do you worship?"
    • "What do you know about the church of Christ?"
    • "We would love to be able to sit down together--when it's convenient for you--and open God's word together. Would you be willing to do that?"
  9. If you are able to set up a study, one good way to begin it might be: "If the Lord were to return right now, do you know without a shadow of a doubt that you'd be ready to meet Him in judgment?" (pause for response)
    • If their answer is not "Yes", then ask them if they'd like to know for sure. Try to ascertain where they're at spiritually and then proceed accordingly.
    • If their answer is "Yes", then ask them how they know and why. Encourage them to share their conversion story with you (most people are happy to talk about themselves, if given the chance). Then ask them if you could share how you were saved. While doing such, contrast any differences in their answer and your answer by using the Bible itself.
  10. If you are able to set up a study, regardless of what approach you use, emphasize what the Bible teaches, not what "our church" believes. Explain the basic concept of the restoration plea and the importance of submitting to Jesus' authority in everything in an effort to please God. Build a relationship with them where possible.
  11. Always bring someone with you when you go door-to-door for the Lord (although having two grown men knocking on a door can be intimidating to the home owner, so having a male and female is advantageous). Bringing a child along as your assistant can help in opening doors because it disarms people.
  12. Remember that every time a teenager or adult answers the door, they are a person who needs Jesus Christ and His church. Remember the importance of what you are trying to accomplish!
  13. Don't distribute material that you are not familiar with.
  14. Don't have an in-depth Bible discussion on their doorstep (rather, ask if you could study with them in their home then or at a convenient time and place later).
  15. Don't put anything inside a person's mailbox (this is illegal unless there is postage on it).
  16. Don't leave a packet of material where it might get wet or carried away by the wind.
  17. Don't dress in an inappropriate manner or in a way that could be distracting to the spiritual message you are delivering. If you have a congregational T-shirt, this is a great time to wear it!
  18. Make sure your cell phone is muted.
  19. Don't get discouraged when a door is slammed in your face or if people become agitated. Remember that Jesus was scourged and nailed to a cross for seeking to save the lost. Never return evil for evil (Rom. 12:17).
  20. Don't debate "issues" if possible. Focus on salvation in Christ by grace through faith. Other issues can be discussed after a relationship is established and after a Biblical foundation is built.

Friends, let us close with some Scriptures: