2nd Quarter 2014
(April, May, & June)

AE Website Statistics
  • Unique visits this quarter: 93,407
  • Average unique visits per day: 1026
  • Unique visits since January 2005: 2,040,027
  • Current number of e-mail subscribers: 1423
  • Current number of Facebook users who "Like" AE: 492
  • Current number of Twitter followers: 99
  • Current number of online archived lessons: 1600+
  • Since November 2006, we have shipped CDs to 47 different states in America and 109 foreign countries.

AE Recent Feedback

Below are some quotes from a few recent correspondence we have received:

"Thank you very much! I have never needed guidance more than I do at this time, have recently lost my Mother, been homeless and almost lost my Faith but God willing my Love and Faith in Christ perserveres!" - T. Becky (Illinois)

"I just wanted to thank you for the message about fasting...We are both convinced in the power of honest, heartfelt prayer and fasting. Please continue to teach more about the subject." - L. Burgess (Texas)

"I no longer watch television or listen to secular radio so this is going to be a wonderful blessing in my life! thank you and GOD bless." - L. Abney (Ohio)

We'd love to hear from you! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have a comment, question, or concern.

Questions or Comments?

We'd love to hear from you! Contact us using any of the following methods:

By phone: 1-217-935-5058

By e-mail: ContactUs@AudioEvangelism.com

Online: Visit our Contact Us page
By Postal Mail:
Audio Evangelism
c/o Church of Christ
5450 Evans Rd
Clinton, IL 61727
United States